Ms. Poulami Paul


“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.”
- Swami Vivekananda

Our children are our strength and inspiration. Each child is a fountainhead of curiosity, which we recognize and respect. At KIDS HEAVEN SENIOR SCHOOL we provide learning in an environment that not only stimulates their intellectual growth but also ensures a robust moral edification. We encourage our children to turn their ideas and passions into something original and valuable. Having said that, it must also be acknowledged that we are a school with a mind, a heart and a soul which is intrinsically Indian.Deeply ensconced in the tradition of the land, we take pride in remaining rooted to our cultural identity while imparting an educational experience that is world-class in every respect and which prepares children for global citizen ship. Dear students, it is my message to you all that the people of fine character live by their values. They are honest and are committed to truthfulness, word and deed. True character thus encompasses the capacity for self-discipline. Character creates self-respect, which in turn leads to high self-esteem. Maturity is reflected in all aspects of character-the decision we make, the friends we choose and the responsibilities we accept. Always remember to uphold the dignity of people. Be always ready to give preference to other. What you are is God’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to God. Have something to live for. Bring out the best in you. “With warm wishes and Almighty’s blessings”.

Ms. Poulami Paul